NOTICE: The list below describes our favorite activities that are available to all members. A full list of contact information for these activities is published in our monthly newsletter distributed to members only. These group provide a wonderful opportunity for members to make new friends and to keep us stimulated and busy in our spare time!
LUNCH N LOOK - Day trips (and occasionally overnight trips) are held around the Houston area, with transportation provided by the Harris County Precinct 3 bus (must be 50+ years old to ride the bus). Favorite trips include a Mystery trip, trips to plays or concerts, dinner or lunch out, and more!
THEATER GROUP - Theater trips are planned to different venues in the Houston area. There is generally a dinner planned on the day of the event. What a fun way to take advantage of our diverse theater events in our area.
SUPPER CLUB - Supper Club meets every 6-8 weeks at a different restaurant around Houston, usually on a Saturday evening. Spouses are welcome and encouraged to attend.
SOCIALS - Multiple social events are put on during the year, beginning with Fall Fest/ Halloween, Christmas Wine Party, Mardi Gras Ball, and Cinco de Mayo.
THIRSTY THURSDAY - Enjoy happy hour on the fourth Thursday of each month at Carraba's Italian Grill in Kingwood from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. No need to sign up, just come and enjoy cocktail hour together.
ARTSY SMARTSY – A catchy name for a group who enjoy arts and crafts. We meet every Friday from 1-3 p.m. at various places. Suggested themes are usually given out, but everyone brings their favorite project does their own thing while visiting with this delightful group of ladies.
FLICKS AND CHICKS - If you do not enjoy going to the movies alone then this is the group for you. Different movies are selected for the group to attend along with a meal at different restaurants.
DIVAS ON THE GO – This group focuses on planning fun trips both in town and some out of town adventures. Spouses are often invited as well if they don’t mind hanging out with a bunch of “Divas”.
READERS CHOICE - This group meets monthly.
WHATEVER BOOK CLUB - This Book Club meets the 4th Tuesday at Marsalas Italian Grill at 12. We are an unstructured book club accepting fun new members. We have lunch, wine maybe and discuss the latest book we read and the next book we want to read
MAH JONG - American Mah Jong - meets every Tuesday 1:00-4:00pm hosted at different member's homes.
- Chinese Mah Jong - (a form of rummy played with tiles) meets every Wednesday at 1:00 in the Ladies
Game room at the Walden Country Club.
BUNCO #1, #2, #3, and #4 - These groups meet monthly during the day or evening either at the hostess home or at Walden Country Club. They often need subs, and occasionally new members.
HAND, KNEE, and FOOT - meets every Tuesday at 1:00 at Walden Country Club. A fun version of Canasta, and easy to learn!
SCRABBLE n’ BABBLE – We sometimes do more babble than scrabble but if you like the game, have no fear! We are not hard core players and just in it for the fun of it. The group meets the second Friday of the month at Walden Country Club at 10:00 a.m.
MEXICAN TRAIN - is held at the Walden Country Club starting at 1:00pm every Thursday. All LHLC ladies are invited to attend. This group will not require an attendance commitment, so come when you can. The Walden Club invites non-members to dine in the 19th Hole prior to the card game.